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Meet the 2025


Taking on new leadership roles is the lifeblood of JCI. Meet the individuals who are running for 2025 JCI Michigan elected office.

101st President

Kayleigh Gratz

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

I am a necropsy technician at a biopharmaceutical research lab. I am a senior tech, responsible for ensuring studies are prepared for and helping mentor newer technicians. In my Jaycee career, I have had to make a lot of hard decisions to do what is right for the chapter. I have 3 years of experience on the state board, and 7 years of experience as a member.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

The three most important assets I will bring to the role of president is a deep knowledge of Jaycee history, which will come in useful for passing on institutional knowledge; dedication, I attend as many Jaycee events as I physically can, and dedicate the majority of my free time to the Jaycees (and reserve most of my PTO at work for Jaycee events); and enthusiasm.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

I believe the most important role of the President is to inspire others. To inspire members to try chairing that new project or put themselves out there in that competition. To inspire prospective members to join and find community and reason in JCI. To inspire chapters to continue to grow and achieve what they set out to do.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

There’s no particular moment or scenario that inspired me to run for President. I am running simply out of my innate passion for this organization. I have distinct memories of being around the age of 7 and playing “Jaycee meeting” with my Beanie Babies (complete with Robert’s Rules in place). That passion has not died all these years later. I have everything to give to this organization and want nothing more than to see it succeed- at a state level, a chapter level, and at a member level.

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

I would like to bring back the old JCI MI “The Book”: a large manual that had a huge array of resources for chapters and members. To reduce reliance on aged-out members for institutional knowledge and increase transparency and sustainability. I would like to bring back Outstanding Young Michigander and introduce a state-wide event that falls in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals. Having two outward-facing state-wide programs that will promote JCI Michigan and draw in new members.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

I think the greatest need of this organization right now is training of institutional knowledge. We have seen lately a lapse in training on topics that used to be routinely taught- and its negatively affected chapters. Areas such as legal compliance, recruitment, retention, project management, etc. Coupled with the high percentage of newer members, we have all but lost this knowledge. Bringing this back to our core will help reduce burnout, keep chapters compliant, and foster growth.

What new ideas or programs would you like to implement?

I would like to bring back the old JCI MI “The Book”: a large manual that had a huge array of resources for chapters and members. To reduce reliance on aged-out members for institutional knowledge and increase transparency and sustainability. I would like to bring back Outstanding Young Michigander and introduce a state-wide event that falls in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals. Having two outward-facing state-wide programs that will promote JCI Michigan and draw in new members.

Presidential Candidates –  What would the role of the board of directors be in your administration?

The board of directors’ role will be to complete the duties each of their positions require but also to support and mentor chapters and members. The state board exists to serve the overall organization, so assisting chapters is a core function. Additionally, over half of our members are newer Jaycees, so it will be the responsibility of the board to ensure that chapters and members have all the information they need to succeed.

Membership Vice President

Harrison Gunden

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

I am currently the Vice President at the Aird & Garcia Insurance Group and a co-owner in Vogie’s Seamless Gutters.  I am also the manager and bassist for the band, Viva Rex.

I am a self-starter, Visionary (per entrepreneurial operating system), Entrepreneur, an extrovert and a leader.

My experience between the various jobs, growing up in a non-profit environment, titles I have held, paired with being a Marine Corps veteran and an extrovert, have given me a distinctive ability to understand how to utilize my unique skillset of being a visionary and ideas person as well as how to bring that into leadership principles and engage with people in an inviting or intriguing way. My ability to recruit and motivate others to collaborate is an asset to any organization I am working with.  My day to day consists of networking, sales & marketing, and collaboration with partners to accomplish the missions of the businesses that I am in and that would align with the tasks of Membership Vice President and leading a team in efforts to grow our state chapters.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

(Visionary) I am an Ideas person and have drive! This will be beneficial for member growth and ways to achieve that.  (WOO) winning others over is a common theme in my world that is attributed to me through various personality  profiles and clearly shines through in my ability to also hold a position at work that is highly sales focused.  (Coaching and advising) I spend a lot of my time coaching and advising clients and employees. This takes prioritizing, good leadership and collaboration. I will be able to support and empower a team to focus on a bigger objective and find ways to succeed in member growth.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

The most important piece of Membership Vice President is leading the district directors in their ability to drive recruitment  growth for the organization. This support structure of being able to empower them and chapter presidents with confidence,  tools and new ideas to attract to their niche geographical market, and how to bring members in. Members aren’t just numbers,  but the increase in numbers is a key indicator of organizational health and critical to the financial well being of the organization. Continuing an an upward trend in this key area is critical to the stability of Michigan Jaycees.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

Inspiration for being in this position is multi-faceted. Firstly I was very successful in reshaping the Auburn Jaycees (now  Great Lakes Bay Jaycees) which was near folding. I was able to recruit great, dedicated members during a challenging time  within the community that was not favorable of Jaycees. Secondly I had a vision for what our local chapter could grow into and  supporting its president in working toward that goal. This led me to continue to learn more how I could support the state Jaycees  and seeing that there had been a consistent decline in members until recently. Thirdly, I am closing in on aging out and want to  be supportive of the organization as much as possible before that time.

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

While I have a great number of ideas, I first would want to educate myself more on what has been failing and hasn’t worked and  what we may already be doing that needs an overhaul and refresher. Sometimes fixing or returning to the basics of camaraderie  and moral is the best way to attract newcomers.

I would like to see a greater focus on how the Jaycees can support young entrepreneurs in the state, their businesses and their families. Being a strong support system for young entrepreneurs will help recruit and find the young “go getters” in our communities and give them a place they feel they can get and give value.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

The greatest need of this organization right now is membership growth and positive PR. The Jaycees are no longer a household name in the communities of Michigan. Their rich history isn’t widely known and its ability to support young people in society in recent years has gone largely unnoticed. The shift in this area that seems to already have started needs continued attention, flexible and adaptable leadership, and positive vision so that our local chapters can again drive growth, passion and success.

Vice Presidential Candidates – What would the role of the Membership directors be on your team?

The directors on my team would have the shared mission of increasing membership in the state. The District Directors being the first resource available to each chapter in helping them with basic strategies and as a point of communication for new ideas and strategies to implement. The Membership Directors would assist the Vice president in support of district directors and each other with a dedicated focus. Membership Director Examples: A. an admin role that would be dedicated to glueup, team communications, email correspondence, meeting minutes, follow up on commitments of directors and integrations of the team. B. a recruitment coach and implementer that would meet with the District Directors or chapter presidents that show interest and help coach them one to one on their strategies for growth and recruitment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Director

Miranda Klemp

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

I am an interior designer at an architecture firm specializing in K-12 education. I am part of the DEIB Initiative Group at my job and I run a DEIB-Centered book club for my local chapter. I have a certification in DEIB form Muskegon Community College. My passion in my career and life is to make accessible and inclusive spaces where people feel like they belong.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

I have a willingness to learn from others and a passion to make things better. I notice areas of improvement and am willing to provide support and solutions when necessary. My company has people based throughout Michigan, this coupled with the saturation of non-profits in Muskegon County allows me access to various resources and groups. This network will allow me access to various resources and groups. This network will allow me to help members find support and education no matter what part of the state they are in.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

The most important role of DEIB Director is to make sure our members voices are heard and that they have equitable opportunities for inclusion.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

When I saw efforts to “go back” to how we operated pre-COVID, I was truly concerned. We live in a different world with different issues and JCI Michigan should be moving forward not back. I think there are many opportunities to make in person events successful as well as to implement virtual events and resources.

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

I would like to make state functions and submissions more inclusive by standardizing virtual options alongside in-person events and rotating locations to avoid drives for chapters. I aim to introduce training and discussions for remote workers to enhance their skills and offer DEI Training and resources to individual chapters either locally or by district.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

The greatest need is inclusion. I think a lot of members are upset with a lack of communication and the timing of things and its turning them off to the organization on a state level. We need to have more avenues of communication and better planning/time management.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Director – What are the strongest and weakest components of JCI-Michigan’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy?

The DEI Resources document is a good start, providing a foundation for exploring DEIB avenues. However, the DEIB Strategy lacks visibility on the JCI MI website. If JCI MI is committed to DEIB, there should be a dedicated landing page with a mission statement, resources, and training opportunities. Additionally, showcasing chapters’ DEIB efforts would help celebrate achievements and inspire others to implement similar initiatives in their communities.

District A Director

Ryan Watkins

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

I currently have two jobs: a self employed photographer and a Youth Specialist at Eagle Village. Both of these jobs require patience, communication, and organizational skills which would transfer over to the role of District A Director.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

Strong Communication skills, determination, and existing relationships with several of the chapters in District A.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

Helping assist chapters with their signature events as well as encouraging interactions between chapters and the state in District A.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

I was encourage to run by the current District A Director

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

Increasing communication and support between chapters in District A is my main objective.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

Encouraging chapters to help support one another.

District Directors – What are your plans for building Relationships with your chapters, their leadership, and their members?

By helping serve at chapter’s signature events, encouraging other chapters within District A to assist each other, and continue to build relationships with the chapters in District A.

District B Director

DeMarcus Evans

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

I’m currently a realtor. That along with my Jaycee career has helped me learn to be flexible, adaptable, and empathetic. I Believe those are important skills that a District Director needs.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

My ability to listen with empathy, create an environment that inspires teamwork, and be supportive without being overbearing are the skills that I believe are the most important for me to bring to the District Director position.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

Being someone that members in my district can count on for support and guidance.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

Interacting with other chapters and seeing how they were supported by past district directors inspired me to want to do the same.

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

I want to implement programs that promote interaction between chapters and even cooperation on events.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

I think the greatest need is for members to see the value in building relationships with other chapters. I believe my own experiences will help me come up with ideas to do so.

District Directors – What are your plans for building Relationships with your chapters, their leadership, and their members?

I plan to start with attending their events or meetings to personally introduce myself to members I haven’t met yet. Then, I will try to communicate with them to figure out their chapter’s needs and how I can help.

District B Director

Ray Russell

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

Currently I work as a nurse on 3rd shift. I have been a member of JCI for over 11 years. I have been around the Jaycees since I was a little kid. I have been chapter president three times.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

Over my years of having leadership positions, I have learned conflict resolution. Also feel like I am easy to approach, and people can come to me with questions. Finally, one asset I have is flexibility with my work schedule.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

I believe that the most important role is uniting all the chapters in our district.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

I want to try something beyond my home chapter after 11 years in JCI.

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

I want to increase awareness of all chapters in our district as to what other chapters are doing. I want to create a monthly flier that can be sent to everyone so they know what dates and times other chapters have things going on.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

I think JCI’s greatest need is to show new and prospective members the value and opportunities available to all JCI Members.

What new ideas or programs would you like to implement?

I have found our members really like our text service. It is an easy way for everyone to get the information they need and they are less likely to miss the information.

District Directors – What are your plans for building Relationships with your chapters, their leadership, and their members?

I plan on going to as many events that other chapters have so that I can talk to members face to face. I also have a plan to encourage communication between chapter presidents in my district.

District B Director

Sam Krotz

What is your current employment and what aspects of your job, Jaycee career, or life experiences have helped you prepare for the Office you are running for?

I am a certified nursing assistant at a nursing home. Being a Jaycee has pushed me out of my comfort zone.

What are the three most important skills or assets you will bring to the Office you are running for?

I will be encouraging and supportive. I will be volunteering at chapter events. I will be a mentor to my chapters to the best of my ability.

What is the most important role of the position you are running for?

I think the most important role of District Director is to just support all of your chapters, whether is be volunteering at projects or mentoring chapters and relaying state info to them directly.

What inspired you to seek the position you are running for?

Pushing myself out of my comfort zone more and to get more involved on the state level.

What new ideas or programs you would like to implement?

More District socials for bonding outside of chapter events. Also mini district skill building as the 2023 attempt did not work out.

What do you think is the greatest need of this organization right now and how will you help JCI MI meet this need?

Retention and recruitment. I will be welcoming when talking to members at events and be willing to work membership booths or whatever chapters need.

What new ideas or programs would you like to implement?

More District socials for bonding outside of chapter events. Also, mini district skill building as the 2023 attempt did not work out.

District Directors – What are your plans for building Relationships with your chapters, their leadership, and their members?

Show up to chapter events when possible and talk to people/members I don’t already know.