JCI Michigan provides leadership development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
Developing Leaders for a Changing World
Young people across the world are looking for ways to lead and drive positive change. JCI Michigan helps our members develop the skills necessary to tackle the challenge. From hands-on experience to world-class training, skill-building practice to developing necessary networks – joining a local JCI Chapter gives you the tools and resources to become a transformative leader of tomorrow.

Young Active Citizens
JCI Michigan members are part of an international network of young people, with more than 2000 chapters in over 120 countries. Our membership of enterprising young persons, ages 18 – 40, develop leadership skills through creating sustainable solutions to challenges in their communities. Through participation in events, JCI members establish rewarding friendships, develop themselves, and create positive change in our world.
We Build Leaders
The JCI Michigan Advantage
This organization has changed the way I see the world. From traveling the world, meeting new friends, and even building my career, JCI Michigan has provided me countless opportunities that I would never have gotten otherwise.
Michelle McGrannRedford
Our job with JCI is to bridge the gap between what a young person learns in school and what they need to know to become an active citizen. We teach skills that empower people to create positive change in their lives and the lives of others.
Carol PicklemannKalamazoo
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
From networking to training, community programming to social opportunities, JCI Michigan and their local chapters have something for all. Individual chapters often have unique personalities, as reflected by the diverse makeup of the individuals involved. But there a couple of things you can count on: Jaycees, no matter where they are or what chapter they are from, are young people who are looking to make a difference in their lives, in the lives of others, and in the communities they are a part of.
We Build Leaders
We Build Leaders
We Build Leaders
We Build Leaders
We Build Leaders
We Build Leaders
The world needs young active citizens. Let's change things together.
Our members are making a difference.